Hello Portland Oregon! I had an Amazing trip visiting Portland with Jasmine Worth. We spent 7 Days there visiting many Delicious Food Trucks, tasting Micro Brewed Beer and eating large portions of Mac and Cheese. While we where there we had to visit Many of Portland’s Best Food Establishments as well as some of the Best Tattoo Shop’s the city has to offer. I’ve long wanted an opportunity to visit Art Work Rebels, a Custom Tattoo Shop on the South West Side of Portland. This Tattoo Shop is Owned by former San Francisco Tattoo Artist Jason Kundell. Art Work Rebels is one of Portland’s Premiere Tattoo shops. It has many of California’s Best Tattoo Artist circulating as Guest from famous Shops such as Memoir Tattoo in Los Angeles to Seventh Son and Skull and Sword in San Francisco. I’ll be Traveling from Remington Tattoo in San Diego Next year to spend a Month enjoying Portland and Tattooing at Art Work Rebels. I’ve wanted to visit portland for a long while, long before the Show Portlandia ever reached Television. It’s everything I dreamed it would be and more. It’s a Beautiful City full of Rivers, Mountain Ranges, Water Falls, and Trees!!! I can’t beging to express how amazing beautiful all the Trees are. If you are up for a Awesome Adventure in a Wonderful City I can recommend Portland Above and Beyond many places to Travel and have an Incredible Vacation in the USA. If you are a Craft Beer and Food Lover who enjoys Hiking and Nature Portland Oregon is your Place. I spent the greater majority of my town in the South East and West. We had a chance to see Trek in the Park, a Fun Free Event where you can see a community Play of Star Trek Episodes. Unfortunately it was the Last Performance as Trek in the Park, but we where informed the Acting Troupe will continue on with a New Theme.
To make a long story short if you are looking to get a Great Custom Tattoo while in Portland Oregon I’ll be there Guest Spotting at Art Work Rebels next year. Stay tuned for the official Dates. Contact my assistant Pete 16197958915 or email me directly for information [email protected]
to more of my work visit www.terryribera.com and please visit the crew at Art Work Rebels www.artworkrebels.com
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This Drawing was made a few weeks ago for a client who no showed on their appointment. It always frustrates me to hold an appointment for a year for nothing especially on what would have been an Amazing and Fun Tattoo to do. Regardless it is always cool to draw a composition like this. I guess I am writing this blog mostly to address the issue that this is the type of imagery I really enjoy tattooing. Art Nouveau stuff, and when I say that I don’t mean to copy the work of Alphonse Mucha, who is my favorite artist, but I have zero desire in replicating any body’s artwork. So if there are people out that that connect with that type of imagery, timeless classic art I’m always excited to tattoo more of this. Sometimes I can be rather frustrated with the general Tattoo Request here in San Diego. Not to say that I am not constantly being challenged to do projects that resonate well with me, but I often wonder if there is a culture of people here that actually want their Tattoos to reflect Art, vs. a personal record of their life. Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand and can appreciate a person’s desire to have images that are personal in nature, but it would be a different experience to be able to tattoo things that speak to me more on the level of whether the tattoo is visually interesting. I understand people want there Tattoos to have Meaning, but the reality is that’s only Part of what makes a Successful Design. Images that speak to wearer on a visual level to me are as interesting if not more interesting than forcing a concept beyond adding Initials, Dates, Family Names, Words and more Text. I guess what I am trying to say is that I wish people would do more research into their ideas from a visual place, rather than a literal translation of their Body Art.
I’ve owned Remington Tattoo in North Park, for over 2 years now. It’s been a great experience and personal journey. I am beyond thankful for the Success, Working With Nathaniel Gann and Sarah Genereux has been real positive influence on me. To watch people grow as Artist, and to have discussions about tattooing as a Fine Art not just a commercial way to crank out product. I hope to continue to make Custom Tattoos that Feed my soul and that help me to grow as an artist.
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Today I’m posting a fun Custom Tattoo I made on My client Joey. We Have Been putting Custom Tattoos on Him Since 2001. That’s right, I’ve been Tattooing Joey for 12 years. Boy how the time goes! Any how, the Portait is of his Wife. It was done as a Color Portait vs. your Classic Black and Grey Portait Tattoo. This design is part of a Sleeve that we are Tattooing on him at my Shop Remington Tattoo in North Park. Joey’s Sleeve contains other Awesome elements such as Roses and Falcon that covers the rest of his arm. This Tattoo is also part of Cover Up of some Lettering that he had Tattooed on him a few years before I started to work with him. I really Enjoy doing Color Tattoos, but normally I do Portraits in Black and Grey. This type of tattoo takes a lot more care and attention than how I would normally work a portrait. Stay tuned for updates as there’s one more Session to complete in out small San Diego Shop.
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This suit is a dragon tattoo Tattoo Artist Terry Ribera sketched and Tattooed for a local Tattoo Artist Romeo Lacoste. The project took around 35-40 hours and was Tattooed using rotary tattoo machines mostly swash drive whips and a couple neotats, and bishops.
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Check out one of San Diego’s best Tattoo Artists, Terry Ribera with this new Sugar and Skull sleeve. Owner of Remington Tattoo in Northpark, San Diego, CA Terry has been tattooing since 2001 and his love for Tattooing is shown in his work. Stop by Remington Tattoo today for your free tattoo consultation.
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Check out this new Lotus Tattoo by Terry Ribera, one of San Diego’s Best Tattoo Artists. This Tattoo features a Dragonfly with a Lotus backdrop with vibrant colors. Terry has been a San Diego Tattoo Artist since 2001 and currently is Tattooing in San Diego Tattoo Shop, Remington Tattoo located in Northpark, San Diego, CA.
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This new tattoo is by Tattoo Artist San Diego, Ca – Terry Ribera was able to complete this back tattoo in several sessions giving the customer exactly what they were looking for. As a Tattoo Artist in San Diego California, Terry has been tattooing since 2001 and is able to give you the tattoo that you are looking for. If you would like to schedule an appointment, visit Remington Tattoo in San Diego, or call Terry at 619 795 8915 finally you can email Tattoo Artist Terry Ribera at [email protected]
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Check out this new Custom Greek Girl tattooed by one of the Top San Diego Tattoo Artists, Terry Ribera at Remington Tattoo in Northpark, San Diego, CA
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This is a new custom tattoo done by San Diego Tattoo Artist Terry Ribera. Terry is the owner of Remington Tattoo in Northpark San Diego, CA. You can schedule a consult with Terry by calling the show at any time or emailing him at [email protected]
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